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Dr Russell Houston

Dr. Russel Houston is a panel physician authorized by IRCC (Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada) to perform medical examinations for the purpose of immigration to Canada.
Dr. Houston has been performing this service as a regular part of his medical practice since 2015.

This clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. The clinic is E-Medical enabled to help make this process more efficient for our clients. 

About: Houston Immigrations at Yarrow Medical.

We are happy to provide Immigration Medical Exam services to you! Dr. Russell Houston is a panel physician with IRCC (Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada) who has been performing this service as a regular part of his medical practice since 2015.

Please note that our office runs on a tight appointment schedule so please show up 15 minutes before your appointment to complete the paperwork. If you are late we will most likely not be able to see you and have to reschedule.

For clients in the CUAET program (from Ukraine), MSP pays for this service. If you don't have your MSP card yet, the fee is 179.44 + the cost of xray and lab test. This money will be refunded to you when you obtain your MSP insurance.


Opening Hours

SUN Closed
MON Closed
TUE 9:40 - 15:40
WED 940 - 1240
THU 9:40 - 15:30
FRI 09:10 - 15:30
SAT Closed

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Booking procedure:

  1. Doctor assessment. Book a medical exam using this website. If you can not find an appointment that works for your schedule, or, is not as soon as you need it, please email me (houstonimmigrations@gmail.com). We will do our best to accommodate you.
  2. Chest X-ray. For clients 11yrs of age or older. By walk-in or appointment at  West Coast Medical Imaging (WCMI) (1120 Yates St. Victoria (250) 386-8305, or, WCMI 1641 Hillside Ave. Victoria (250) 598-1991). We will give you a requisition for the x-ray at your appointment with us.
  3. Lab tests. For clients age 15 and older. This can be done at any Lifelabs location in BC. Some locations require an appointment. Visit Lifelabs.com and select "Find a Location" and you will see the list of locations and information on if an appointment is needed or not. The lab has to be done after the appointment with us. There are labs at each of the medical buildings where WCMI is located and you can walk in without an appointment at these locations. You do not need to fast for the lab test.

Things to bring to the appointment:

  1. If you do not speak English well you will need an Interpreter.
  2. Passport.
  3. Eye Glasses or contact lenses, if you wear them.
  4. Be prepared to tell us your medical conditions and the names and doses of any prescription medicine you take.
  5. Do not bring a photo. I will take your picture.
  6. All clients are encouraged to bring a chaperone (friend/family/partner) to sit in the appointment with you, this is optional.
  7. For REFUGEES ONLY - - One of -- Acknowledgement of Claim and Notice to Return for Interview (AOC) – IMM 5985, OR, Refugee Protection Claimant Document (RPCD) – IMM 1442, OR, The Interim Federal Health Certificate (IFHC) – IMM 5695.

To obtain an Interpreter (if no friend or family member available) we have found this resources for you:

-Society of Translators and Interpreters of BC. (604) 684-2940. ttps://www.stibc.org

 After the Medical Exam is complete Dr. Houston will give you a Requisition for an X-Ray and one for Lab Work. Please note that the Medical Exam, the X-Ray and the Lab work are all done in different offices:

1.Houston Immigrations:                     104 - 645 Fort St

  1. West Coast Medical Imaging:         203 - 1120 Yates St or 1641 Hillside Ave.
  1. LifeLabs:                                             Visit Lifelabs.com, multiple locations


Medical Exam.       $200, includes GST. Age 15 and up

                                   $150 age 14 and under

Xray                          $90 (paid to West Coast Medical Imaging)

Lab tests                 $104 (paid to Lifelabs)

Children birth -10yrs age do not require X-ray or lab ($150 total)

Youth age 11-14 do not require lab but do require xray ($240 total)

Age 15 and up require all components ($394 total)

You can contact me (Dr. Russell Houston) at houstonimmigrations@gmail.com or my business cel phone at 778-677-3455. You can text or call me on that number.

Contact Information

645 Fort Street unit 104, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 1G2, Canada


645 Fort Street unit 104, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 1G2, Canada

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