Register with IRCC Doctors Directory

By registering your practice with IRCCDOCTORS.CA, you will benefit from increased visibility to thousands of IRCC applicants seeking to complete their immigration medical exam. Your practice will be registered within 48 hour of receiving the submission.

Read below to learn about benefits of different listing types.

Starter Profile


Show your essential information

Customize your Listing Content
Ad-free Profile
Enhanced Profile Optimized for SEO
Multiple Calls-to-Action Buttons
Customized Sidebar
Practice & Medical Staff Images
Direct Contact Form
Direct Booking Link
Business Hours Section
FAQ Section
Social Links
Discounted Web Design Service
Competitor Ads on Your Profile Page

Business Profile


Rich profile optimized for conversion

Customize your Listing Content
Ad-free Profile
Enhanced Profile Optimized for SEO
Multiple Calls-to-Action Buttons
Customized Sidebar
Practice & Medical Staff Images
Direct Contact Form
Direct Booking Link
Business Hours Section
FAQ Section
Social Links
Discounted Web Design Service
Competitor Ads on Your Profile Page

Enterprise Plan


For multi-clinic organizations

Dedicated Account Manager
Customizable Content
Unlimited Content Changes
Multiple Landing Pages
Multiple Clinic Profiles
Ad-free & SEO Optimized Profiles
Customized Sidebar
Image Galleries
Multiple Contact Form
Multiple Booking Links
FAQ & Business Hours Section
Priority Support
Competitor Ads on Your Profile Page

* Discounted pricing available for certain African, Asian and Latin American practices. Contacts us to receive your discount code.

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