Advertise your business with IRCC Doctors Directory

We accept ads from 3 types of businesses only:
A) IRCC authorized panel physicians
B) Canadian Immigration lawyers in good standing
C) Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs)

Ad placements pricing for IRCC authorized panel physicians:

Ad Placement$/MonthSILVERGOLD
Ad-free Profile*$10
Direct Contact Form*$10
Direct Booking Link*$10
Enhanced Profile Optimized for SEO*$15
Featured Ad$30
Home Page Ad$100
Before Header – Global Placement$150
After Header – Global Placement$150
Single Listing Sidebar$10
Single Listing Bottom$10
City Listing Sidebar$15
City Listing Bottom$15
Country Listing Sidebar$5
Country Listing Bottom$5
Post Sidebar$5
Post In-Content$5
Post Bottom$5
Blog Archive Sidebar$5
Blog Archive In-Content$5
Before Reviews$5
After Reviews$5
Before Footer$5
After Footer$5
Customize Your Sidebar Info$25
Custom Placement$50
Monthly CostCustom$79$129
Max ads numberCustom510

* Included in the Enhanced Profile registration
** We offer discounted pricing for African, Asian and Latin American practices.

Ad placements pricing for Immigration Lawyers & RCICs:

Ad Placement$/Month
Dedicated Landing Page$150
Direct Contact Form$15
Direct Booking Link$15
Before Header – Global Placement$100
After Header – Global Placement$100
Single Listing Sidebar$30
City Listing Sidebar$30
Country Listing Sidebar$30
Post Sidebar$20
Post In-Content$15
Post Bottom$15
Blog Archive Sidebar$15
Blog Archive In-Content$15
Before Footer – Global Placement$50
After Footer – Global Placement$50

Submit your ad order:

Fill out the details below to submit your ad placement order, and we will be in touch with you.

Advertise Form
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