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Dr. Rania Fahim-Jebrini

Dr. Rania Fahim-Jebrini is an IRCC authorized panel phyisician based in Berlin, Germany.

Dr. Fahim-Jebrini provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.

To book an appointment:

Working Hours:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thnursday: 8:30 - 18:00
  • Wednesday: 8:30 - 17:00
  • Friday: 8:30 - 14:00

Prices Visa Examinations Canada / Preise Visumsuntersuchungen Kanada

Adults (15 years and older)
Total price 330,- € (incl. VAT)
Children (11 - 14 years)
Medical examination
X-ray thorax
Total price 285,- € (incl. VAT)
Children (0 - 10 years)
Medical examination
Total price 220,- € (incl. VAT)



  • Valid passport or certified copy of travel document
  • Referral letter from EMedical or HAP-ID (Australia), for New Zealand the NZER is generated by us.
  • Vaccination certificate, X-ray passport if applicable, for children up to ten years of age please bring your U-Vorsorge booklet with you
  • If you have a chronic or significant illness, bring medical documents (specialist report/hospital report) with you. Depending on their importance, these must also be translated in certified form.
  • You do not need a separate appointment for the X-ray examination in the in-house radiology department. If you have any queries, please contact us by telephone on 030 214 981 0 or by e-mail at management@mvz-radiologie.de.
  • Time planning approx. two to three hours


Procedure in our Praevenio practice

1st registration (6th floor)

  • Registration at our reception with recording of your personal data and taking of a photo (face uncovered, headscarf allowed).
  • Please check in at the reception before giving urine, as they will be escorted when giving urine
  • Please inform us in advance if you need information about the blood collection or tests such as HIV test. We are obliged to inform you about the type of laboratory tests.

Please inform us,

  • if you prefer to see a doctor for the examination
  • if you want a neutral person during the physical examination (chaperones)
  • if you need a person to translate (other than German, English).

2nd urine examination (6th floor)

  • Please check in at the reception desk before giving urine, as you will be escorted when giving urine. Please let us know if you are having your period.
  • The urine is tested for blood, sugar and protein. You will find out the result at the end of the examinations.

3rd blood test (6th floor)

  • The blood test does not have to be done on an empty stomach. You may have breakfast!
  • The blood is tested for different values depending on the type of visa. Only the tests prescribed by the embassy will be carried out. We are not allowed to arrange any further values at your request.
  • We will only call you in case of abnormal values and then advise you on the further procedure. A control examination is usually necessary.
  • If you wish, we can provide you with the results of the laboratory test.
  • The results of the laboratory values are available to us within 2-3 days.

4th X-ray examination (radiology 1st floor)

  • The X-ray examination takes place before or after the examination at the doctor's office, depending on time management.
  • An overview image of the thorax is taken, showing the lungs, heart and thorax. The image is taken in accordance with radiation protection regulations.
  • The examination is paid for directly at the radiology reception. Price 60,-€

5. physical examination (6th floor) by the doctors Dr. Knur, Dr. Zürcher or Dr. Prack

  • Please get in touch before the examination if you have any concerns or questions about this
  • First of all, you will be asked about your medical history, which you may have already provided in Emedical or at the time of admission. Now any unanswered questions can be clarified.
  • The physical examination includes an orientational eye test (please wear glasses or contact lenses), an orientational hearing test and a complete physical examination. This requires undressing down to underwear. For women over 40, an examination of the female breast is also required.
  • Checking the vaccination status. If vaccinations are missing, we offer them in our practice (depending on the vaccination and age, also via the statutory health insurance). The vaccinations are a recommendation and can also be done at the doctor of your choice.

6. clarification of final questions and invoicing (6th floor)

  • Before leaving our practice, please check in again at reception to clarify any outstanding points, such as vaccinations or checking an elevated blood pressure reading.
  • The invoice includes all examinations required for the visa to be issued. The costs for the X-ray examination are settled in the department there.
  • You will receive the invoice by post within the next four weeks. Exceptions are individual values for the New Zealand visa (blood count, creatinine and HbA1c).
  • The invoice can be paid in cash or by EC card.
  • Please understand that for legal reasons we are obliged to charge VAT on the costs of the visa examination and pay it to the tax office.
  • The results of the visa examination are entered into the Emedical system within two to six days, depending on the extent of the laboratory tests, and "submitted", i.e. sent to the department.
  • You can view the history yourself via your personal number (HAP-ID or NZER). If you have any questions or problems, please contact our reception by phone, fax or e-mail.
  • If you wish, you may also receive the results as a PdF file. Please indicate this at the reception.


About Dr. Rania Fahim-Jebrini

Specialist for Internal Medicine | Emergency Medicine

  • 2000 - 2006 Medical studies at the Hannover Medical School
  • 2007 - 2013 Residency
  • 2007 - 2010 Vinzenzkrankenhaus Hannover / Departments: Cardiology, gastroenterology, pneumology and internal intensive care medicine
  • 2010 - 2015 Klinikum Region Hannover (Siloah Clinic) Areas: Cardiology, gastroenterology, emergency department, emergency physician
  • 2011 Additional qualification in emergency medicine with authorization for further training
  • 2013 Specialist in internal medicine
  • 2015 - 2020 Employed as a specialist in a large group practice in Hannover (Dr. Berndt and Partner)
  • 2015 - 2018 Freelancer as emergency physician in Hanover
  • 2019 Advanced training in psychosomatic primary care
  • Since 2020 Practice Praevenio
  • 2022 Completion of doctoral thesis on a Germany-wide heart attack project.
  • Languages German, English, Arabic
  • Marital status Married, two children

Contact Information

Ärztehaus am Europacenter, 67, Nürnberger Straße, Charlottenburg, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Berlin, 10787, Germany


Ärztehaus am Europacenter, 67, Nürnberger Straße, Charlottenburg, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Berlin, 10787, Germany

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