Dr. Johannes Abel
Dr. Johannes Abel is an IRCC authorized panel docotr working in Frankfurt, Germany.
This clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.
Unsere Praxis wurde 1970 als erste Internistische Gemeinschaftspraxis in Frankfurt gegründet und befindet sich jetzt mit Herrn Dr. Harald Schulte und Herrn Dr. Johannes Abel in der dritten Generation.
Schwerpunkt der Praxisarbeit waren und sind die Diagnostik und Therapie von Inneren Erkrankungen mit besonderer Ausrichtung auf Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen.
Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt stellt die Prävention und Früherkennung insbesondere von kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen dar.
In diesem Zusammenhang steht die individuelle Patientenbetreuung im Mittelpunkt unserer Bemühungen.
Mo-Fr 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr
zusätzlich nachmittags:
Mo + Do 15:30 – 17:30 Uhr
Dienstag 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr
sowie nach Terminvereinbarung
Dr. med. H. Schulte, Dr. med. J. Abel und Dr. med. K. Jahn are licensed to perform medical examinations for USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
For further information please contact our office by email: sekretariat@abel-schulte.de or phone: 069 97204316 between 13:00 and 15:00 o’clock.
Please read the information concerning the country you apply for carefully!
General information:
Please be prepared to undergo a complete medical examination in our clinic, including a physical exam completely undressed. On request a chaperone will be present during the examination. Some clients prefer to be examined by a female doctor. Please address this when arranging the appointment. A currently valid passport is mandatory. If you should have any questions, objections or concerns, please inform the staff on the phone or during the admission-procedure
Please note:
- The examination fees are fixed prices agreed by the country you apply for and do not depend on the individual extend of the procedures.
- The necessary lab-work is officially required and determined by the country you are applying for.
- You will receive an invoice in our clinic for the medical exam, Chest-X-ray and the administrative expenses.
- Important! You will receive an additional invoice for the lab-work from the laboratory directly. According to German jurisdiction every facility involved in the examination process has to invoice the applicant for transparency purpose itself.
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