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Dr. Darrin Nichol

Dr. Darrin Nichol is an IRCC panel doctor Brandon, Manitoba at the Brandon Clinic Medical.

If you are needing to schedule an appointment please contact the clinic by phone at 204-728-4440 and follow the automated prompts.

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Medical Records
Phone: (204) 571-7192
Fax: (204) 571-8679

Radiology Department (By Appt Only)

Phone: 1-(204) 201-4229
Fax: (204) 571

Dynacare Laboratory
Phone: (204) 571-1173
Fax: (204) 571-1313

Immigration Medical Appointments
  1. Please download and complete the form at the bottom of this page. 

  2. Please fax the completed form to 204-571-8650

  3. Once the form has been completed and faxed, the receptionist will contact you to book the appointment.

  4. There is a $100.00 fee for missed appointments for those who have not pre-paid.

  5. Please give TWO (2) business days notice if you need  to cancel or reschedule your appointment.

If you have any questions, please call 204-571-7212

Due to the high volume of calls, please leave a message and the receptionist will get back to you within 3-5 business days.


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Immigration Medical Costs
  • Cost of booking the appointment is $210.00 + GST = $220.50, non-refundable.

       Urinalysis: $20.50

       Chest Xray: $63.00

       Blood Work: $71.00

  • 4 YEARS AND UNDER  - TOTAL COST: $220.50  (Visit fee only, no lab, no x-ray)

  • 5-10 YEARS -  TOTAL COST: $241.00   (Visit fee $220.50, Lab (urinalysis) $20.50)

  • 11-14 YEARS -  TOTAL COST: $304.00   (Visit fee $220.50, Lab (urinalysis) $20.50, chest x-ray $63.00)

  • 15 and OVER - TOTAL COST: $346.50   (Visit fee $220.50, Lab (urinalysis/blood work) $71.00, chest x-ray $55.00)


       ** to be paid by Credit Card over the phone when booking appointment.

  • Lab Fees will be payable directly to the lab either in exact cash, debit or credit.

General Information
  • There is a possibility of furtherance if the IRCC/CIC decides there is more testing needed. This would require another trip to Brandon Clinic.

  • If patient is pregnant, the chest x-ray will have to be deferred; paperwork will not be submitted to the IRCC/CIC until the x-ray is completed after delivery.

  • Please refrain from eating a lot of sweets prior to your appointment. (NOTE: fasting is NOT necessary)

  • Please arrive for appointment 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time.

  • Come to your appointment well hydrated.

  • Patients with REFUGEE STATUS with the IRCC/CIC will be required to provide additional paperwork. 

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If you are Ukrainian, have a CUAET visa, and previously paid for a medical exam in Manitoba you are eligible to receive a refund. For more information, please contact the Claims Unit Patient Inquiry General Line by phone at 1-204-786-7367 or by email at Claims@gov.mb.ca. Applicants will need to provide the following information to receive a cheque in the mail:

  • Name

  • Address

  • PHIN (9 digit health number)

  • Receipt from the physician office


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  • Current valid passport

  • Passport size photos – TWO for 11 years & older, ONE for 5 – 10 years
     ** Please note that children under the age of 4 do NOT require photos. **

  • Manitoba Health Card - required ONLY if you are registered with MB Health

  • Copy of the Medical report/Biodata sheet included in E-Mail from IRCC/CIC with IME/UCI number on it.

** UPFRONT medicals will not have received this **


Contact Information

620 Dennis Street, Brandon, MB R7A 5E7, Canada


620 Dennis Street, Brandon, MB R7A 5E7, Canada

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