Listing Directory General

Dr. med. Kerstin Jahn

Dr. med. Kerstin Jahn is an IRCC authorized doctor working in Frankfurt, Germany. This clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.   Unsere Praxis wurde 1970 als erste Internistische Gemeinschaftspraxis in Frankfurt gegründet und befindet sich jetzt mit…

Dr. Johannes Abel

Dr. Johannes Abel is an IRCC authorized panel docotr working in Frankfurt, Germany. This clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. Unsere Praxis wurde 1970 als erste Internistische Gemeinschaftspraxis in Frankfurt gegründet und befindet sich jetzt mit Herrn…

Harald Schutle

Harald Schutle is an IRCC authorized panel docotr working in Frankfurt, Germany. This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.   Unsere Praxis wurde 1970 als erste Internistische Gemeinschaftspraxis in Frankfurt gegründet und befindet sich…

Dr. Rania Fahim-Jebrini

Dr. Rania Fahim-Jebrini is an IRCC authorized panel phyisician based in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Fahim-Jebrini provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. To book an appointment: Call: 030 212 80 480 Book online: Email: Working Hours: Monday,…

Dr. Ingo Prack

  Dr. Ingo Prack is an IRCC authorized panel physician working in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Prack provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. To book an appointment: Call: 030 212 80 480 Book online: Email: Working Hours:…

Dr. Heiko Zuercher

Dr. Heiko Zuercher is an IRCC authorized panel physician working in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Zuercher provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. To book an appointment: Call: 030 212 80 480 Book online: Email: Working Hours: Monday,…

Dr. Ilka Knur

Dr. Ilka Knur is an IRCC authorized panel physician working in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Knur provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. To book an appointment: Call: 030 212 80 480 Book online: Email: Working Hours: Monday,…

Dr. Prabhat Bakshi

Dr. Prabhat Bakshi is an IRCC authorized panel physician working at Docs Practice Management clinic in Scarborough, Ontario. The clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. Spoken Languages: English,Hindi,Punjabi,Urdu ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Call today to schedule an appointment. Appointments currently available…

Dr. Aneesha Bakshi

Dr. Aneesha Bakshi is an IRCC authorized panel physician working at Docs Practice Management clinic in Scarborough, Ontario. The clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program. Spoken Languages: English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu   ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Call today to schedule an…